October 13th 2015 by Shadow Mountain
E ARC provided by publisher
This beautifully illustrated guide has entries on anything that could possibly need more explaining in the books from the Fablehaven series. There are chapters on Artifacts and Items, Creatures, Demons, Dragons, Locations, Wizards. Done in full color, the pages also include notes from Kendra and Seth as well as items that look like they are taped into the book. The descriptions are done seriously, so are quite helpful when reading the books, but are also done with humor, making this fun to read.
The Fablehaven series first came out in 2006, and has been popular enough that I've had to order a new copy of the first book, for two reasons: the one copy was in pretty poor shape, and students often recommend the book to their friends while they are still reading it, so another copy is crucial! It's easy to forget older series when new books are constantly coming out, and reading The Caretakers Guide motivated me to start offering Fablehaven to readers again, mentioning that all of the books in the first series have already been published, so they don't have to wait for a year to read the next book in the series.
I'm very interested to get more details about the Dragonwatch series. I struggle with many fantasy books, but did very much enjoy Fablehaven.
From the Publisher: They existed only in your imagination …. Until now! With over 3 million copies in print, the Fablehaven series by New York Times best-selling author Brandon Mull is one of the most popular middle-grade fantasy series to date. Now, first time ever, The Caretaker’s Guide to Fablehaven provides a visual discovery of the series, and is loaded with insider’s knowledge and hand-scrawled notes. Readers can actually see the mystical creatures from the series like dragons – each one has a name, a special power, and looks distinctly different from the others, but until this book there was no illustrated guide. The book is also a springboard to the Fablehaven sequel series, Dragonwatch (releasing Fall 2016) and features clues to the characters and creatures fans will find in the upcoming books.
I put off reading Fablehaven for YEARS, in part because the original cover did nothing for me, but also because it just wasn't something I'd normally like, but it really surprised me. I did like it, but more importantly, I liked it for kids. I would have been recommending the heck out of it if I'd come to it sooner.