I would describe this as a romance about two people who love each other and pursue their dreams despite the odds, in a Lurlene McDaniel sort of way. Ali rides horses even though her lungs can't handle it-- its the only time she feels really alive. Cody gives up riding briefly to donate part of a lung to her. There is just depressing event after depressing event, and you know it's not going to end well. Again, for girls who want to read something sad, what could be more perfect?
Ms. Kingsbury is donating books to libraries in honor of her brother, Dave Kingsbury, who died unexpectedly. This is very nice of her. I will definitely put this is the collection (I have a student who has just about finished all my McDaniel) but may send the second to another middle school library so that they can have one, too. Many thanks for this kind donation.
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