May 17th 2016 by Simon & Schuster/Aladdin Mix
E ARC from Edelweiss Above the Treeline
Meghan is apprehensive about going to a sleepover. Her parents are overprotective (her cell phone can only call home and 911), and she's never been able to stay the entire night before. Still, with best friends Paige and Anna Marie, she thinks she can make it. Things are a little stressful when Anna Marie's future stepsister, Veronica, comes to the party as well, but the girls all get along. As a present, Veronica has rented a hypnotist. The girls remember her visiting... and then they wake up the next morning. The basement is a mess, there are chicks in the bathtub, and Anna Marie is missing. With the help of Anna Marie's bratty brother, as well as next door neighbor and Meghan's crush, Jake, the girls piece together the events of their night and try to find their friend before they have to tell her mother she's missing.
Strengths: Will definitely purchase. Do girls do sleepovers? They were huge when I was young, but only four girls? Pffft. Tiny. Very funny, and moves quickly. I especially liked the age appropriate romance with Jake. Nice.
Weaknesses: A little alarmed that Anna Marie was missing and the girls didn't immediately tell her mother. For a girl whose parents are "overprotective", Meghan is all too ready to run around town without supervision. Veronica was a bit over the top and annoying.
What I really think: This will appeal to girls who like those "My Face Was So Red" columns in girls' magazines. It's fun and harmless, if a little far fetched, but then, I'm not the target demographic!
Sounds like a fun read. I'll keep this one in mind for summer reading recommendations. Thanks as always for your insights.