January 19th 2016 by Farrar, Straus and Giroux (BYR)
E ARC from Netgalley.com
In Fight for Power, Adam was forced to kill two guards, although Brett, who was representing the evil Division, got away. Although he knows he had no choice, he feels terrible about how easy it was to kill the two men. It doesn't help that Brett is still out there, terrorizing the surrounding communities. It's been five months since the blackout, and Adam's father has finally made it back home, but the suburban enclave where Adam lives is strengthening its reserves to make it through the winter. They've found another farmer, as well as a quantity of potatoes, but need to make contact with the settlement at the gas refinery to arrange a trade and add more people to their side. After a side trip in the plane, Adam and Lori meet an ex military man who has a community on an island, and they are also willing to connect with Adam's group. Herb is behind most of these plans, but when Brett comes back and wants revenge, even the best laid plans might not be enough to keep the community safe.
Strengths: The first two books in this series are wildly popular, and this one will not disappoint. Adam has all sorts of skills and is in a leadership position, he has a girl friend, and he has very human struggles on top of everything. So much goodness, in a very disturbing way. Makes me remember that even though I "didn't read" science fiction in middle school, I loved Z for Zachariah (1974) and The Girl Who Owned the City (1975) as well as the tv movie Where Have All the People Gone? (1974).
Weaknesses: Lacked focus of purpose a bit, and needed a map. I NEVER say that I want books to have a map, but one would have been helpful here.
What I really think: I'm sad that there doesn't seem to be a book four. And I really need to stock up on more peanut butter!
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