Published October 28th 2014 by Simon Spotlight
Alex is in a pickle because she needs to be in a sport AND there are girls in her class who think she can't make the first cut of cheerleading tryouts. Her plan is to try out for cheerleader, NOT make it, and be asked to be manager. Problem solved. The only thing is that she is so uncoordinated that she fears she won't make the first cut, so she asks Ava to stand in for her. She dresses Ava up with sparkly eye shadow and even a fake ponytail, so nobody could possibly tell it wasn't Alex-- and of course, Ava does such a good job that she makes the team! Older brother Tom is still having a hard time being the coach's son in a football obsessed town, and there is some romance for the girls... some from an unexpected visitor. Can Ava and Alex work out the problems that Alex has created?
Strengths: This series has done very well in my library. Ava is a great character, and her inclusion on the football team is fantastic. These are nice, light reads, and what middle school girl doesn't secretly want a twin she can change places with?
Weaknesses: Alex just annoyed me in this one.
Ok, so one of the girls is on the football team? I was excited when I first saw this, b/c I have girls absolutely BEG me for girls in football books, but then it looked like they were just ditzing around in school with a dad as the coach?
ReplyDeleteYeah, there's a fair amount of ditziness around. Not as good as Dygard's Forward Pass, and that's from 1989. Very few girls playing football in books... Or in real life, I'm afraid.