December 16th 2014 by Simon Spotlight
Zoey's Aunt Lulu is getting married, but instead of having a big deal wedding, she and her fiance are inviting everyone to an engagement party, and then getting married. This is a fantastic plan, but the date they have chosen is just three weeks away. Zoey has the material for her junior bridesmaid dress, but when her aunt asks her to sew her bridal gown as well, Zoey has to call in the help of several of her friends, including cute new boy Sean who shows up in her home ec class and can sew really well! Things continue to go wrong with the plans, which is especially frustrating because Zoey can't tell anyone. In the end, though, everyone pulls through and the wedding is a joyous occasion, even with Priti making the cupcakes and Zoey's friend Gabe taking pictures, and brother Marcus providing guitar music.
Strengths: I have several readers who are thrilled with this series, and even had an 8th grader who said "I really like to read these... is that wrong?" I assured her it wasn't. Weddings are more appealing to the average middle school student than they are to me, and the other fantasty elements (Zoey's famous blog, Zoey being able to sew satin-like material and make a bridal gown in three weeks) will not seem all that unlikely to the average 10-year-old.
Weaknesses: Time to wrap this series up, but there are at least two more books coming out. Twelve is more than enough for ANY series.
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