Monday, June 08, 2009

Finish Line

When I emerged from Reading Trance yesterday, I felt woozy. That's when I realized that I was WAY overcaffeinated and underfed. Therefore, all statistics are to the best of my knowledge.

Finished up Tormod: A Templar's Apprentice (282) by Kat Black(which I liked), Kelsey's A Recipe for Robbery(282)(which was goofy and had way too many descriptions of a yucky cucumber stew), and started on Cooney's Camp Boy Meets Girl, so we'll call it even at

34 1/2 hours, 30 books, and 7,850 pages.


Thanks again to MotherReader for hosting this opportunity to "goof off" and do what I love to do best!


  1. Oh my gosh, what a huge page total! Congratulations!

  2. Wow, that's an impressive achievement!

  3. Great job, I hope to see you participating again next year! I cannot believe you read 39 books and over 7000 thousand pages. That's a LOT. O.O

  4. You just blew my mind with your page count. Absolutely amazing!

  5. Anonymous10:05 AM EDT

    How on earth do you read so fast? You make me dizzy! It takes me forever to get through a book (I get maybe 20-30 minuted a night before bed if I'm lucky!) My hat is off...

  6. Yippee! Congrats!

    SLOB was the book that I had to stop midway through because my 48 hours was up, but I finished it last night. I really like Ellen Potter and while I would have liked to see Andre get kicked in the goolies, it was otherwise pretty satisfying.

  7. WOW!!!! That's a lot of books. You make the rest of us look like slackers. Your results are an excellent illustration of why your blog is probably my top source for "reviews that made me want the book".
