August 1st 2017 by Katherine Tegen Books
E ARC from Edelweiss Above the Treeline
Kaylan and Ari are making plans for their 6th grade year to be the best ever. They make a list of 11 things they need to do before they both turn 12 in November, including making friends with a boy, doing a complete makeover, and kayaking to a small island near their home. Sixth grade has its challenges, and there are moments when she and Ari have falling outs. Home life is also a challenge; her parents are divorced, her mom works long hours, and her brother (to whom she was previously close) is a teenage butthead. Despite all of these challenges, Kaylan manages to make things work, and she and Ari repair their relationship in time to celebrate their birthday together. This is the first book in a duology.
Strengths: Greenwald's work reminds me of the vintage 1950s teen literature that I collect in the best possible way. Realistic situations, spot-on tween voice, and fun premises. So many good touches, and an excellent understanding of how middle school friendships work.
Weaknesses: This one had a lot more going on than other Greenwald titles, and was a tiny bit confusing at first, but not horribly so. Also, salon highlights on an 11 year old? Eh. I don't understand coloring one's hair. Had it done years ago when I won a makeover, and it was ridiculously time consuming. Never again!
What I really think: Definitely purchasing, and can't wait to hand to students.

Must go find Kale, My Ex, and Other Things to Toss in a Blender (May 30, 2017).
And am I the only one who immediately noticed that Ari on the cover is the same picture used for Varsha Bajaj's Abby Spencer Goes to Bollywood?

Kale... is teen, not middle grade. I made that mistake and had to recatalog it...