March 30th 2017 by Holiday House
ARC from publisher at ALA
Clark Sherman moves to a new school because his parents have gotten better jobs, but his experience in a new 8th grade is disastrous. His records from his previous school are messed up, so he ends up in remedial classes, including an independent study in the library with the fantastic Ms. Beacon. His days are spent avoiding the oppressive bullies, especially Ty Hunter. He has phys ed twice a day even though he would rather be reading sci fi novels or watching Star Survivors on television. He connects briefly with cute girl Stephanie, but she thinks he is a special needs student, and her friends laugh at her for talking to him. He eventually meets Les, who is similarly geeky, and who knows secret ways in and out of the school. A girl in his independent study, Ricki, is a bit odd (her parents throw a fit when Clark calls the house), but eventually the two join forces with Les. The principal is a mini-despot who is trying to get Ms. Beacon kicked out while also protecting Ty Hunter, who is a good athlete, but the trio is able to uncover evidence and bring justice to the school and social approbation to themselves.
Strengths: This certainly hits on the traditional geek interests, and is funny enough. It's also realistic in the way that Clark (which is a perfectly reasonable name
What I really think:

You're missing part of your review! :(