December 22nd 2015 by Disney-Hyperion
E ARC from Netgalley.com
Telenovella obsessed Mabry is sure that Nick is her One True Love, so is crushed when he breaks up with her... by having his mother call Mabry! Her best friend Sirina is used to Mabry's drama, but the obsession with making Nick pay irritates even her. When Thad Bell moves back to town after the death of his father, he offers to help Mabry get Nick back so that she can then dump him and break HIS heart. Thad has a variety of secrets, including the fact that he was the one who broke a glass door at the school, something that Nick and his friends witnessed. Thad and Mabry spend a lot of time hanging out, and Nick is interested enough after a while to ask Mabry to go to the 8th grade Cotillion. Will Mabry be able to dump him, or has she found romance somewhere else?
Strengths: Very authentic, if annoying, middle grade voice. Interesting way to work in Hispanic culture. I liked the character of Thad, who had issued and was fairly nuanced.
Weaknesses: The reason why Thad punched the window was revealed near the end of the book, and seemed really weak. Still, considering the amount of family trauma he was experiencing, the books wasn't as depressing as it could have been.
What I really think: Wanted to slap Mabry multiple times, but that middle grade obsession with one unattainable love interest is so true to life. Attractive cover, so will buy.
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