June 1st 2015 by QEB Publishing
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In the same way that I like to pair my fiction and nonfiction reading (Miss Spitfire and the photobiography of Annie Sullivan!), I love to give books and toys that work well together. What would be a better combination than a set of traditional Legos or other construction toy and this math related book that gives fascinating details about skyscrapers? Different shapes and types of skyscrapers are discussed, and there is a lot about how tall many of the world's skyscrapers are. There's information about finding a good site for your construction, choosing strong materials, and making sure your building can withstand earthquakes. All of the math problems presented in the book have the answers listed in the back.
There are several other books in this You Do the Math series, and they would also make great gifts for math teachers. There are always students who ask "How will I ever use this in real life?", and this series shows students that math has many practical applications!
I totally have this series earmarked for when my daughter is a little bit older.