April 11th 2017 by Aladdin
E ARC from Edelweiss
Izzy and Mackenzie usually go to Camp Sweetwater, but this year get sent to Camp Foxtail where they don't know anyone.. and they even get put in separate cabins! Izzy tries to make the best of being in the Willows cabin, and tries to think of the best pranks for the prank war against the boys' Wolverine cabin. This involves lying about an older brother, but she is soon accepted by the girls. She warms to her conselor, Val, and enjoys camp activities. Mackenzie is miserable almost all the time, especially since the camp is not accommodating her need for a dairy free diet. Izzy tries to spend some time with her, but gets involved in the camp talent show with her cabin mates, and has a light flirtation going with one of the Wolverines. In the end, Izzy realizes that she needs to make things right with her friend before heading back to civilization.
Strengths: This book transported me directly back to Camp Kiwatani and Camp Yakewi! Since those were Campfire Girl camps, there were never any boys around, but they are a good addition to any tween camp story. The details are all very evocative, making this a great story for anyone who has been to camp or longs to go. Izzy's struggles to fit in are very realistic.
Weaknesses: This is on the long side, and Mackenzie is a real wet blanket!
What I really think: I may wait to purchase this one and make sure there is an Accelerated Reader test for it. While I enjoyed it, camp stories don't do particularly well in my library.

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