Sunday, June 09, 2013

Finish Line

Forgot that the spreadsheet won't show everyone else links to finishing posts, so please fill in your finishing post URL on the Mr. Linky below!

Read from 7-11 last night and then gave up; got two more full books done and looked at a few more.
Total of 30 hours and 29 books. Not too bad!

Shusterman, Neal. UnWholly. So good, but so confusing!
Patterson and Grabenstein. Treasure Hunters. Really long notebook novel about nautical kids hunting treasure. A bit weird.

Read portions of:
Cody, Matthew. Will in Scarlet. Can't get anyone to check out other Sherwood Forest books, so will pass.
DiCamillo, Kate. Flora and Ulysses. Elementary side of the Pilkey line for quirkiness. (Squirrel CPR?)
Nowra, Louis. Into That Forest. Dialect, and an obscure topic.
Cooper, Susan. Ghost Hawk. Can't get anyone to check out Native American tales, so will pass.

Hope everyone had fun!


  1. Anonymous9:59 AM EDT

    I got about 30 hours in, too. I was trying for more! Good time, though. I had fun checking out the blogs of the other participants!Thanks for hosting!

  2. Anonymous12:13 PM EDT

    whoa on your reading and time. way. to. go. Still working away on mine until midnight tonight--will be interesting to see how many naps I may have to avert...with snacks.

    Thanks for doing this for all of us, Karen!

  3. Thoughts from a first timer:

    Thanks for hosting the event. I'm glad I got to learn more about the great reads out there. It was wonderful sharing the experience with you all.



    P.S. Please teach us the way of Ninja Skill speedreading! :)

  4. Anonymous4:51 PM EDT

    What an awesome weekend! Thanks for hosting the challenge this year. I'm definitely ready to do it again. I'll post my final report soon.


  5. Good for you! And thanks so much!

  6. I finally managed to get my finish line post up. Thanks for hosting!

  7. Anonymous6:54 PM EDT

    This was my first #48hbc and it was a lot of fun! Thanks for hosting it!

    I had 22.5 hours of reading and 8.something books. If I hadn't been so busy on Saturday I could have read more, but I'm still feeling pretty satisfied :)

  8. I don't blog anymore, do my tweets & Goodreads stuff count? Read a total of 5 books or 1,161 pages and read for 19 hours & 15 mins between 5:30PM Fri & 5:30PM today. @MHHSELibrary

  9. I'm in awe of your ninja reading skills - I thought I was a fast reader, but everyone seems to have put me to shame! Thanks for hosting!

  10. So fun! And I got 24 hours and 35 minutes done, despite having to work yesterday. Must get some sleep now. So much for grocery shopping!

  11. Whew! I am tired!! It's dinner and a nap for me!

    This was fun. See you next year.

    Thanks for hosting Ms. Yingling!

  12. I have Will in Scarlet on my TBR stack (though not for this weekend). I'm looking forward to it because I've liked Matthew Cody's other stuff.

    Thanks for hosting this year!

  13. Anonymous9:36 PM EDT

    The challenge is over, but I'm going to keep reading tonight. Thanks for hosting!

  14. Thanks for helping to kick off my summer reading. It is a personal goal to put the nonfiction professional books to the side a bit more this summer and read more for pleasure. This was the perfect way to get started! 14 hours and 4 books.

    You got quite a bit of reading done! 29 books!!!

    I think I didn't provide the correct link for my starting line point (somehow it went to my other blog), but I have the correct finish line link I think. Sorry for the confusion. Thanks for hosting! Loved it!

    Starting Line: (linked incorrectly to Merely Day by Day)

    Finish Line:


  15. Ah well. I was looking forward to participating, but a family crisis meant that I was only able to read for about 6 hours in the last 48. I also was able to check out some of the blogs and tweets periodically, and probably spent about 2 hours over the weekend on social media

    I'm reading for pleasure, not professionally, so took the time to savor the approximately 375 pages that I read. I finished re-reading Phantom Tollbooth, read Dragon's Egg by Sarah L. Forward and just started The World's Strongest Librarian.

    I also spent about 4 hours in the car. I would typically listen to an audiobook, but my kids were along. They don't like audiobooks and my current audiobook is not middle-grade compatible.

  16. Anonymous12:07 AM EDT

    This was awesome, Karen. Thanks so much for hosting! Way to go on your reading!

  17. Thanks for hosting! Whew!! 30 hours! I'm very impressed. We'll have to call you the IRON GAL! (BTW, did you like the Susan Cooper book? It sounds interesting)

  18. Anonymous8:32 AM EDT

    Great job!

  19. Very well done! I've got Will in Scarlet and Ghost Hawk in my TBR - did you like them even though they won't work for your library?

  20. Anonymous10:14 AM EDT

    Thanks again for hosting this! It was my first time participating instead of just watching, and so much fun! I wasn't able to find print copies of my audio books to get page counts, but I know I'm way at the bottom for how much I read anyway.

  21. Thanks Ms. Yingling! I had a great time, even if I didn't get as much reading this year as last. I do think I want to revive my blog, so here goes nothing!

  22. Anonymous11:12 AM EDT

    So glad I got to participate this year. And high fives to everyone who completed the 48 hours, especially those of you who logged major reading hours--I'm so impressed!

  23. I only managed about 3 hours, but I had fun! Thanks for doing this!

  24. Thanks for hosting! I didn't read much but I still loved it.

  25. Loved hearing about all the books you read. Sorry I could not do it this year but next year, count me in!
