This year, Sneed Collard, the author of Governor's Dog is Missing, Double Eagle and Cartwheel, as well as a ton of nonfiction books, agreed to step up as our celebrity endorser. He's a great person to pitch this, because his books, while popular with guys, have great girl characters as well, and are enjoyed by both genders. He also has middle grade children of his own.
up, I recall reading almost NO books with female lead
characters--except perhaps Charlotte's Web. Then again, other than the
Hardy Boys and books by Roald Dahl, very few middle-grade/YA books
existed for readers like me. As soon as I read The Lord of the Rings in
fourth grade, that was it. Adult books for the rest of my teenage
years--and almost all with male leads. Think The Godfather, Battle Cry,
Hiroshima, etc…
the past 15 years, however, I've been fortunate to read quite a few
middle-grade and YA books with great female leads. The Hunger Games
stick out strongly, of course, but so do books by Adrian Fogelin,
Margaret Peterson Haddix, Richard Peck, and Donna Jo Napoli.
asked my son which books he liked with strong girl characters, and the
first thing he thought of were The Seekers series by Erin Hunter (which I
also enjoyed). He also mentioned Annabeth in the Percy Jackson books,
Annie in the Magic Tree House series, Ella and Meghan in The Secret Zoo,
and Hermione in Harry Potter. It's interesting that he doesn't have a
strong preference for boy characters. He'll read anything that's a good
Do you feel it's important for your books to have interesting female characters?
Some stories demand interesting
female characters and some do not. In my book Dog Sense, the mother is a
vital character in the story, but she's much less important than the
two main characters, Guy and Luke, and really, there's no need for any
other major female characters in the story. In my mysteries The
Governor's Dog is Missing and Hangman's Gold, however, I wanted to
create a female "co-star" that is just as important as the narrator. I
had several reasons for this:
1) Girls are just great and should be in the story unless there's a reason to omit them.
The girls I've known have strengths that boys don't have, and it makes a
much more effective "detective squad" to have both male and female
elements solving a case.
3) There's always that romance thing!
4) Again, girls are great.
and girls also have a great capacity to learn from each other, and
because characters need to grow throughout a story, having both genders
often helps facilitate this character growth.
Do you feel that nonfiction has any gender bias?
Not nearly as much as fiction. Books about science, history, and to a lesser extent, sports, are filled with wonderful female characters. The best middle-grade science series, the Scientists in the Field series (Houghton Mifflin), features inspiring female scientists who serve as wonderful role models for ALL readers. In fact, I've more often written about women scientists than about men.
What are some of your best Super Secret Evil Plans?
very interested in dystopic novels, and have already worked on one for
several years. I have a new Top Secret plot in mind, however, that is
brewing as I write this. Another of my Super Secret Evil Plans is to get
people interested in plants! (Insert evil laugh). Although we'd all be
dead in a week without plants, it is VERY difficult to get people
interested in these amazing organisms. I've just finished a really cool
mystery about a teenager who is obsessed with orchids. One day, while
waiting to see the world's rarest orchid at the United States Botanical
Gardens, a giant crane comes crashing through the glass roof and crushes
the woman in front of him. in the ensuing chaos, the rare orchid gets
stolen. Will the main character find it? Will I be able to sell this
book to a publisher? Stay tuned!
of my Super Secret Evil Plans is to visit schools in ALL FIFTY states.
I'm up to about 40, but Maine, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island,
Delaware, Mississippi, Kentucky, Indiana, Oklahoma, South Dakota, New
Mexico, and Arkansas have really fallen down on the job. If you have Top
Secret connections or can sneak me across the borders of these states,
email me at collard@bigsky.net!
authors get around this by casting their characters as animals. Others
create an ensemble of male and female characters. Both of these methods
work pretty well.
do wish, however, that most authors would quit trying to write in First
Person from the opposite sex perspective, because it usually doesn't
work. Several times, I've finished 3 or 4 chapters of a book thinking
that the narrator is a girl--only to find that the author has made him a
boy! I know why authors do this. Women writers especially think they
will attract more boy readers if they write about boys--and maybe
they're correct. Still, I like to think boy readers will enjoy a
well-written girl character more than a poorly-written boy character. I
hope that more boys out there will give girl characters a chance. If you
don't, you'll be missing out on a lot of incredible books!
What an awesome idea. I hope you keep us updated on how your Boys Read Pink project goes!