The last week of the school year is always difficult, but everything is all put away and ready for next year. It's funny-- if you work ten hour days for 185 days, it's possible to get caught up!
The problem is that after school is out, it takes a week for me to change grooves. High school graduation and the attendant parties to which my daughter went made it hard for me to concentrate due to lack of sleep! I spent several days reading magazines and trying to get caught up around the house. When I emerged from my year end fog, I realized that I didn't have much to read, so had to dip into my Book Look pile, which was mainly girl books. I am heading to the library soon, and will get back on track.

17 January 2012
Eloise always knew that her aunt Antonia had some problems that kept her out of touch for much of the year, but she did not realize that these problems stemmed from the fact that she was married to the Faery king, who is angry with her aunt and kidnaps Eloise to get back at her. Luckily, Eloise has good friends Jo and Devon who are able to help her excape, and there is also the very hot Fae Lucas who is on her side. Strahan does not want to give up his crown after serving for seven years, as tradition dictates, and this has thrown the entire faery realm into chaos. Eloise gets a good look at this world, starts to learn more about her aunt, and realizes that she is somehow the key to the survival of both worlds.
Strengths: This is a different paranormal romance from many of the ones I have read. Harvey's vampire series, as well as Haunting Violet, are popular in my library and are middle school appropriate, which I appreciate.
Weaknesses: Going between the points of view of Eloise and Jo seems confusing since I was also trying to understand the faery world.
McDonald, Abby. Getting Over Garrett Delaney.
24 January 2012
Sadie has been best friends with Garrett for two years, ever since she saw him and knew immediately that they were meant to be together. They watch the same movies, read the same books, and SOME DAY, Garrett will realize as well that they should be more than friends. When Garrett ends up going to a summer writing camp without Sadie, she starts to realize that he relationship with Garrett borders on addiction, and she really needs to move on. She gets a job in her favorite coffee shop and makes some new friends, as well as reconnecting with an old friend she has ignored while with Garrett. With the influence of her life coach mom, Sadie makes a 12 step program for herself, which includes detoxing her system of Garrett. She realizes that she no longer knows who SHE is, only who she is when she is with Garrett. With the help of her friends, she starts to identify the person she would like to be. They have a good time, and Sadie feels that she is free of Garrett's influence-- until he comes back from summer camp. She starts to realize that as much as she likes Garrett, the relationship isn't healthy, and starts to be able to move on with her life.
Strengths: *Sigh* Unrequited love. Is there anyone who made it through high school without it? Oh, wait. A lot of people. It was just me, pining hopelessly for Jon all those years. Well, for those of us who consider Janis Ian's At Seventeen the most brilliant song ever, this is a book that makes us feel that there might be some hope. I love the ending, which didn't seem forced. Good, good stuff, AND middle school appropriate.
Weaknesses: This was painful to read, since Sadie's reliance on Garrett was so desperate. I do like this author's Boys, Bears and A Serious Pair of Hiking Boots, but am jealous that she went to Oford University!
Until my sister begged me not to give/lend/or leave anywhere near her any more faery books, I hadn't stopped to think how tiresome they have become. Unrequited love sounds much less exhausting!