Saturday, February 06, 2021

Happy 15th Blogiversary to Me!

On February 6th, 2006,  this blog started as a way to remember the books I was reading. When I started working at Blendon Middle School in 2002 (after volunteering for five years), I vowed to read all of the fiction books in the library. And on my fifth blogiversary, I finished

Since, my reviews have become a bit more refined, and since 1 January 2012, I have posted at least one review a day. In a blog survey once, people complained that there were TOO MANY book reviews, so I try to limit myself. Most years have 400 reviews, and I read over 800 books a year.

Blogs aren't the same as they were in 2006. There aren't as many. Most of the book promotion happens on Twitter, and everything there is constantly "Yeay, book! Best thing ever!" 

I get that. I do. As C.J. Redwine, who runs Young Adult Books Central told me, when I started reviewing there in 2012 (for books for my school!), my blog is great for when I am wearing my librarian hat, but for YABC, I need to put on my cheerleader hat.

However, as a school librarian my budget does not allow me to buy every book published. I read 99% of the books before purchasing them. I don't review every book I read. Longtime readers will know how I REALLY really feel about a book by my tone and certain key phrases. 

I try to spare writers' feelings by giving everything at least three stars on Goodreads, by listing Strengths, Weaknesses, and What I Really Think for each book, and by being kind. There aren't a lot of really horrible books, but they are out there. The books I don't buy are ones that I don't think MY students will want to read. I am constantly talking about books with students and getting feedback. 

Not liking something personally does not mean a book is bad. I do find myself at odds with many teachers and librarians about certain titles, usually ones that are sad and "lyrical". I hate books with grieving parents who are dysfunctional. It's insulting and rude to portray such parents that way. I have a personal dislike of talking animals. I don't like football, but I love football books. I love a really good fantasy, but don't have many readers who like fantasy, so skim way more than I read, and read more than I purchase. Also, bad fantasy is BAD. I can think of at least two specific titles that scarred me. 

But I won't reveal them. I don't want to hurt people's feelings. But you know, aside from all of my blogger friends whom I used to visit every day, the thing I miss the most is just shooting my mouth off about books. 

Here's to another 15 years of reviews! Enjoy these screen shots from The Wayback Machine archive. (And yes, my picture on the sidebar is from 2012, and life has not treated my face kindly. I was going to have my daughter take new pictures this summer, but I haven't had a professional haircut since September, 2019! I'm useful, not decorative.)


  1. Happy anniversary to another old timer! I started my blog in 2005. There aren’t a lot of people writing for that long. Those of us who stick around are writing because we love it for ourselves and not the fame (ha!). Here’s to another 15 years.

  2. I’m grateful for your reviews!

  3. Happy anniversary, thank you for all your thoughtful reviews and happy reading!!!

  4. Hi Ms Yingling. I adore your blog and marvel at your writing and reading stamina. Congratulations on your blog birthday and for all posts past and to come of wonderful heart felt reviews. (From a blogger in Australia)

  5. Happy blogiversary! 15 years is quite a milestone and a LOT of books.

  6. Happy anniversary! I'm glad you started! It's been a joy knowing you and reading your reviews!

  7. I hope you continue well into the future. Your posts are spot on and always shared by me with other teachers and family. Thanks you for your dedication.

  8. Happy blogoversary!! I can definitely understand how you feel about writing honest reviews instead of just positive reviews. I've struggled with this over the years as well (I celebrated my 8th blogoversary on the 31st). For me, it got even more complicated when I started querying my own book. At that point, I made the decision to switch to only reviewing books I would give four stars on Goodreads and focusing on the positive. I 100% support bloggers' choices when it comes to reviewing, though, and I think there's a place for the negatives as well as the positives.

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

  9. Happy Blogiversary, Karen. I'm so glad you are still here. I rely on your reviews every week.

  10. Happy blogoversary! I agree with your review policy and your reviews always make me think more about the issues either a book deals with or with why you enjoyed/didn't enjoy a book. Honest reviews help me decide to read/buy books and are always appreciated.

  11. Wow—15 years of incredible blogging! That is amazing! With such excellent reviews and an unbreakable blogging ethic, I look forward to seeing what comes next!

  12. Happy Blogiversary to you!! Yours is the first blog I turn to every day and I can't tell you how many terrific books I've read because you told me about them. Here's to 15 more years of great blogging!!

  13. Happy blogiversary to a legend among middle grade blogs! I do appreciate that you're clear in your reviews about the perspective from which you're reviewing. I have been struggling with that 'need to be a cheerleader' feeling in the past year or two, so I could learn a thing or two from your approach.
