March 3rd 2020 by Delacorte Press
E ARC provided by Edelweiss Plus
Ivy has lived with her father ever since her parents divorced, but her twin sister Iris has lived with their mother. When their mother dies while running (she falls on a slippery bridge), Iris must come lives with Ivy. Both are grieving, although Iris is dry eyed. She also has to start a new high school, so things are awkward and tense. Ivy has a boyfriend, and is doing well, but things start to fall apart when Iris arrives. A dead mouse ends up in Ivy's swim locker, and it doesn't make her happy when Iris also decides to join the swim team. Iris is oddly threatening at home as well, always making the comments so the father doesn't hear them. For a long time, it's just the creepy feeling that Iris isn't quite right, but after Ivy contacts Iris' friends at her old school, she starts to worry that perhaps Iris killed their mother. Will Iris continue to gaslight Ivy until she is able to have their father all to herself?
Strengths: I was impressed by the writing on this one. Each chapter ended in a sort of disconcertingly creepy way, even though Iris doesn't actually DO a whole lot. I even wondered if it was Ivy creating everything in her own mind, and if Iris was actually okay, so this was rather brilliant. I have a few students who appreciate psychological horror, and this had an April Henry sort of feel to it. A fast, compelling read, with swimming as well. (I have two students who are devouring the few swimming books I have, and this is ideal for one of them.)
Weaknesses: This is definitely YA in its pacing (a bit slow), and there is one scene where Iris tries to convince their father that Ivy was going to have sex. Other than the phrase "have sex", there's nothing problematic for middle schoolers.
What I really think: Definitely purchasing. The cover may make this one I have to hand sell, but it is perfect for fans of Corrigan's The Accomplice or Creep or Ventrella's Black Flowers, White Lies.

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