January 25th 2020 by Dundurn
E ARC provided by Edelweiss Plus
Sesha and Ky have been living on the streets in ancient Egypt for a month after the tragic death of their parents in a suspicious fire. The father had been a doctor for the Pharaoh, and Sesha thinks that her father's translation of a scroll has put him in danger, which is bad because he felt the scroll had the cure for her brother's fluid on the brain. After they almost get in trouble, they are returned to the palace, where Ky returns to being friends with the Pharaoh's son, and Sesha is enrolled in the difficult physicians' program, where she is the only girl. She finds out that the government is interested in the scroll because they feel it has information that will help them heal soldiers more effectively in case of a war... and war is imminent. With the help of the princess, whom she is teaching to read, Sesha must try to locate the scroll and save not only her brother, but the entire kingdom.
Strengths: Ancient Egypt is part of the 6th grade social studies curriculum, but there are very few fictional books with that setting. This was a great length, had a bit of a mystery, and moved quickly. There were vaguely evil adults, good friends, and enough details about daily life to make this interesting.
Weaknesses: I wanted more details and (shockingly!) a more complex plot. It seemed a little simplistic, but that is actually great for my students when it comes to historical fiction, so it must just have been me.
What I really think: I'll purchase this, to add to McCaughrean's Casting the Gods Adrift, Rubalcaba's The Wadget Eye and A Place in the Sun, and Napoli's Lights on the Nile.
Got the last order of the year from Follett yesterday, so need to read a few titles! Back before 2012, I posted reviews on my blog every morning for the titles I read the night before-- not sure how I did that. Have a couple in this pile that I need to review, but am giving myself a break from reviewing them all.
Yesterday was very busy. Some days I feel like I don't really accomplish anything, but am rushed off my feet with fixing tech and helping students. They were high energy; they were all squirrels and I was covered in peanut butter! On days like this, there always seems to be one student who won't leave the library even when told that "I can't miss you until you leave". When someone is looking for a book before I have a class, and I give them three, and they are still there when the class is gone, somehow behind the circ desk (stamping their hands with the date due stamp) even though they've never been a helper... argh. I try not to be mean, but I say "Sweetheart, you are irritating me, and study hall will wonder where you are. Go back, get work done, and be a productive member of society!"
I wonder what it is like to work with adults? Probably the same. Except you probably can't be as blunt with most grownups.
I'm very lucky because most of the adults in the area that my library serves are very polite. The biggest difference with kids and adults is that one has to be more--diplomatic when dealing with adults. You can tell a kid, "I'm afraid you're being very noisy" or "No, you can't sleep in here all afternoon" but with an adult one must say things like, "Excuse me but we prefer you take your cell phone call outside in respect to our other patrons" when that person is talking at max volume on his phone in the middle of your small location.