Monday, January 08, 2018

Blather- State of the Blog 2018

On the bright side, I have posted at least one book review since January 1, 2012. I try to keep my blog posts up at least a month ahead, so I should be able to keep up the streak in 2018.

I did not meet my 2017 goal of 825. On New Year's Eve, I had finished 822 books and had to go to a party. People who really like to read books can understand how hard that was to attend.

2017 was a difficult year all around. I had some super boring health issues that made it hard to focus. I watched a lot of movies, and checked social media more than I should have! This year, I am making sure the computer is OFF so all I have to do is READ. It will help when I can start running again in March. Believe me, after breaking the same foot three different times, I will be starting out slowly.

I really don't have any more blogging goals for 2018. Just hope to keep blogging and make 2019 an awesome year.

ALA Midwinter 2018I'm off to ALA Midwinter in Denver in February, which is stressing me out a bit. Because of travel, I'll be out of school for four days. I have the best sub in the entire world, but it's still hard to be away and among people for that long. Looking forward to visiting the history center at the Denver Public Library and learning more about Lenora Mattingly Weber! After that, I think I'm not going to anymore conferences until 2019, when I hope to hit Book Expo and maybe ALA Annual in D.C. Maybe Books by the Banks in October of 2018, since my daughter might still be in Cincinnati. (If she doesn't go to Cork for a semester abroad, which I hope she does.) Nerdy Camp is on my birthday this year, and I should go to that, since Michigan is not a far drive.

Want to get reviews before the books even come out? While I wait until close to the publication time here on my blog, if you follow me on Goodreads, you can find out if the E ARC is available at Netgalley or Edelweiss Plus.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:41 AM EST

    Have you been to Nerdcamp yet? This will be my 6th year! It is absolutely amazing! Hope to see you there!
