Life is always stressful; the hard part is learning to deal with the new forms of stress!
There are no study halls in the library, so that means many more research classes. About 500 students a day come into the library. Last year, we checked out 10,298 books, and this year we've checked out 11,517. A 12% increase is pretty good, especially since half the battle is getting students to put down their smart phones long enough to read!
Photos taken by Kenneth Richards, team parent
Cross Country season was fabulous but exhausting. Imagine walking 65 children a mile from school to the park. There aren't any pictures of me coaching because I don't necessarily stand at the mile marker giving them times-- I'm back at the tent cleaning off a kid who threw up and bandaging a wound. My specialty is tying timing tags on shoes. Still, it's good for me to do.

October 18th 2016 by Animal Planet
Stein, Lori. Dinosaurs!
October 18th 2016 by Animal Planet
Copies provided by the publisher
Not surprisingly, I had a brief review of these two books, and it wouldn't publish. That kind of week.
These were filled with information, and would make great gifts for elementary students with an interest in the topics. For school, I'd prefer a slightly larger format, and a hard cover.
Hope everyone has a great weekend!
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