Monday, August 07, 2023

Professional Development-- 100 Great New Books

Once or twice a year for the last dozen years, I've put together a presenation of 100 Great New Books for my district's professional development. Each one includes all new books, and the slides are accompanied by my rapid fire delivery. These cover bullet points, but most titles are linked to my reviews if you want more information. 

It's a good time. Let me know if you have any questions! I do have another presentation for November.

Please let me know in the comments if the link doesn't work! 


  1. I chuckled at the reference to feed sack cloth; brought back memories of visiting a feed sack exhibition in Spokane that I enjoyed more than I expected to.

  2. What an awesome list!! And a wonderful resource.

  3. I love this slideshow so much, Karen—this is awesome!!! Your district is lucky to have you give this talk annually/semiannually, and I'm lucky to have found so many graphic novel recommendations in the dedicated section for them! Thanks so much for sharing this with us!

  4. A fantastic selection of books. Your school is lucky to have such a well informed seeker of great books. I have read many of these, but many more have been added to my future read list. Thanks for the slide show and I can't believe your photo is more than 10 years old. I always assumed it was taken this year!
