September 16th 2014 by HarperCollins
E ARC from Netgalley.com
Someone is stealing the locus stones of the magisters, and Conn is accused because everyone else will die if they touch the stones. He wants to investigate, but Rowan (who is now the duchess) and Embre (the underlord) want him to stay safe in the Dawn Palace as ducal magister. The street urchin in Conn balks at this, so before long he is back in the Twilight, pretending to be a chimney swift and discovering that Crowe is back and trying to mastermind a plot to take the government back from "youngsters". The magics are acting up, and spells are going awry,and Conn needs to figure out what his role in the kingdom really is, especially since all he wants to do is to return to Heartease, where he can be warm and eat Benet's fantastic cooking. (There is a lovely illustration of his room in the attic, complete with fire. Sigh.)
Strengths: This seems like it is a nice and cozy conclusion to a steady series. After all of his travails, Conn finally figures out what his lot in life is. I liked the characters and the setting.
Weaknesses: Things threaten to blow up in this one but nothing really does. There could be a bit more action.
These didn't quite blow me away, but they are enjoyable and have circulated well. Good comfort reading for your die hard fantasy fans. Check out the others in the series:
The Magic Thief, The Magic Thief: Lost, The Magic Thief: Found
I haven't read this series, but it sounds interesting. May have to give them a try. :)