Sunday, May 26, 2013

Sunday Blather
Tomorrow is the first day of summer vacation, and for a change, I will NOT be going to school any more than absolutely necessary (except to put in a purchase order so we have new books on the first day). I'll be reading my Book a Day , but I won't be quilting obsessively or reading five books a day.

The two teenagers will be doing most of the housework, ala The Country Bunny and the Little Gold Shoes. They have been doing pretty well, although dishes seem to be much harder to keep on top of than you would think, and Picky Reader doesn't want to touch anyone else's underwear.

Keds Champion Wide Oxford Shoes - Women
My first fifty+ pair of tennis shoes
I have posts scheduled through the summer, and certainly I'll be devoting a lot of time to reading and blog visiting for the MotherReader 48 Hour Book Challenge.

But then, I'm doing some other things. I'll be taking a vacation to Put-in-Bay where there is nothing historical to see. I'll just be sleeping in, biking, and lolling in a chair looking at the surf. I'll be running, but not doing actual races because they just make me nervous.I'll be coaching cross country again, which I enjoy, so I need to be able to attempt to keep up with the students. I never really can, but I think they appreciate that I try.

I used to wear Keds Champion Oxfords. For years, starting with  a red pair for kindergarten, including a pair that I wore all over Greece when I was 20. I did buy a pair of Reebok running shoes in 1981(top picture), and prefer white running shoes now, which I've worn for the last twenty years.

When the more vibrant colored shoes started showing up, I was annoyed, in the same way I am annoyed with jeans that don't come up to my waist or turtlenecks that are "fitted". I like to wear the same things I have always worn because there is a level of comfort in them.

I decided that I could, at the very least, embrace the newest styles in shoes. My children think they are "great", as in  Voldemort "did great things – terrible, yes, but great." I'm not sure I like them, but I like what they represent. Not being completely hide-bound. Trying new things.

So if I don't seem to be around as much this summer, I'm just taking a little break. I'll be back, renewed and ready to read obsessively, in mid-August. Meanwhile, I'll still have at least a book a day reviewed here.


  1. Anonymous9:03 AM EDT

    Sounds to me like you have a rather Summer of Awesome heading your way. Enjoy!

    p.s. I am starting a new job in the fall. Librarian at a K-3 school. Beyond excited!

  2. Anonymous9:04 AM EDT

    Forgot to the new shoes. Need some myself--walking and then move up to run (I hope).

  3. School doesn't end here till the middle of June. Have a fun summer. I'm looking forward to it being over and my daughter helping around the house more too.

  4. Well, I for one, like the new shoes. Change can be good! Have so much fun this summer.

  5. I always loved the way the Country Bunny organized her shoes. That was MY story - after all, it had my name in it! Written for me!

    I consider my shoes props. I have purple, blue, and green pairs and the kids always look at my feet and then my earrings to see what the library lady is wearing today. I have gotten more shy toddlers to come up to the freakishly tall lady to see her shoes than any other lure.

  6. Chores I mean, not shoes.

  7. When I read this I was like WOW. A post a day with a GOOD book review. That's amazing.

    Also I wear different colors of Converse a lot. Cause every time I try to wear something more fashionable and professional I end up limping out to my car at the end of the day almost in tears at the pain a stupid pair of flats can inflict.

    So ... yay Converse! And yay for running. I need to go do that. LIke ... now.

  8. Anonymous5:54 PM EDT

    Starting summer vacation tomorrow! Will be heading to Zion NP on Saturday to ensure we actually start the decompression immediately (my husband teaches, too). Not sure I'll get a book a day read, but it's a good goal. I think I will be able to keep up my blog more now that I've decided to fully steal your strengths/weaknesses strategy. It's so much more efficient! Especially necessary b/c I'm a million books behind :( Enjoy your summer!
