Friday, August 02, 2024

Guy Friday- The Worst Week Ever: Tuesday

Cosgrove, Matt and Amores, Eva. The Worst Week Ever: Tuesday 
August 6, 2024 by Scholastic Press
E ARC provided by Edelweiss Plus

After his disastrous first day of school in Monday, Justin Chase is back. His father, who is a plumber, is thrilled that Justin's diving board Code Brown experience went viral; he thinks it will translate into money for the business. Justin is angry that Marvin, his arch nemesis and the principal's son, posted all of the horrible things on the internet. Since it's picture day, and Justin hardly ever keeps his eyes open in school pictures, he tries to look his best. He has a new uniform that fits, replacement socks, and tries to comb his hair nicely, but unfortunately uses a depilatory and removes a strip of hair, but fixes it back on with his grandmother's denture adhesive. He's thrilled that the school library has a lot of books, as well as a book vending machine, and he even takes a really good picture. Sadly, the day goes downhill from there. He slips and knocks his tooth out on a urinal, is stung by a bee, pulls off his hair, and generally is injured and uncomfortable. His father comes to school to pick him up, and his truck crashes, but the day is saved when the principal (his girlfriend) proposes. Justin goes to the doctor, the dentist, and the hair salon to repair the damage that the day has done and to get ready for Wednesday. (Which might come out in September, 2024, but I can't confirm it.)

This was as goofy as Monday, and only slightly less gross. I'm going to order the whole series from Perma-Bound, because I think they will be super popular. 

Ms. Yingling


  1. What age would this appeal to? I suppose it will be popular but it looks like something an 8 year old would read.

    1. Ms. Yingling2:33 PM EDT

      6th graders will be all over it, 7th graders will read it until January, and a few 8th graders will pick it up, but not as many. Won't matter, because it will always be checked out to a 6th graders anyway!
