March 5th 2019 by Harry N. Abrams
Public library copy
Yep. We've reached the point where historical events that happened fifty years ago are things I remember. Granted, I had just turned four and was much more interested in staying up past my bedtime than watching the moon landing, but I remember it!
Like Maurere's recent Destination Moon, Brown's overview of this event starts with some early technology. Rodman Law tried some very primitive rockets, but didn't have a lot of luck. This is interesting to see, though, since people have been trying to fly and get into outer space for a long time. Robert Goddard is covered, as is von Braun, but most of the book details the Apollo 11 Mission itself. More time is spent covering the details of what the astronauts experienced (nausea-- why wouldn't one get motion sickness in space?--and particles of poop floating in the air!) We find out specifics about the different mechanisms used in the flight, and get details about the moon walk, including the controversy about what Armstrong actually said. There are brief descriptions of Apollo 12 and Apollo 13, a very nice timeline, more information on Rodman Law, and a complete index.

Weaknesses: The binding is paper over boards, so won't last long.
What I really think: I'll buy Rocket to the Moon, and my students will certainly read it. I am jsut feeling nostalgic for Babar's Moon Trip (1969)!

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