And look how beautifully color coordinated the list is!

August 20th 2013,Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers
"VIII is the story of Hal: a young, handsome, gifted warrior, who believes he has been chosen to lead his people. But he is plagued by the ghosts of his family's violent past and once he rises to power, he turns to murder and rapacious cruelty. He is Henry VIII."

October 8th 2013 , Knopf Books for Young Readers
From Titlewave:
"Inspired by a true story. Felix O'Sullivan, standing in the shadow of his dead brother, an
angry, distant father, and racial tension, must lead the last-ever
Muckers high school football team to the state championship before a
mine closing shuts down his entire town."
The vintage feel of this was UNBELIEVABLY brilliant.

October 8th 2013, HMH Books for Young Readers
"When renowned beauty Helen runs off to Troy with Prince Paris, her
enraged husband, King Menelaus, starts the Trojan War, leaving their
plain daughter, Hermione, alone to witness the deaths of heroes on both
sides and longing to find her own love and place in the world. Includes
historical notes."
I just don't want to have to explain the activities of the gods or what a courtesan is to 6th grade girls. While this is circumspectly done, there's some racy stuff.
"Brian and his friends are not part of the cool crowd.
They're the misfits, the troublemakers--the ones who jump their high
school's electrified fence to skip school regularly. So when the virus
breaks out, they're the only ones with a chance of surviving."
And, good example of why I should read Booklist more:
"Between the pacing and the heroes' salty, blue language (full of
lovingly creative, genital-inspired insults), reluctant readers who love
zombies will devour it, right up to the abrupt end."
—Kirkus Reviews
—Kirkus Reviews
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