7 May 2013, HarperTeen
Kate is upset that Violette has not only killed Vincent, but is intent on burning his body so that he can never return. She seeks the help of Bran, the guerisseur who might have family secrets that will help them bring Vincent back. These seem to involve a giant, antique incense burner, but luckily, the revenants have a connection in New York City who just happen to have one, Kate travels to the city with Bran to work on the spell. It's successful, but even with Vincent back, there are problems. For one thing, Kate's grandparents have gotten sucked into the world, and are easily used as hostages by Violette. Violette will stop at nothing to rule, but Kate and Vincent are worthy opponents, and the series wraps up nicely. (Although I won't tell you exactly how!)
Strengths: This series is a fresh take on paranormal romance. Great covers, strong female character, circumspect enough for middle grade. There will be a reserve list for this one!
Weaknesses:Walks the edge of middle grade appropriateness-- there are some scenes that hint at some activity, but still okay. Kate is a little too invested in Vincent for my taste, but that's the appeal to the target audience. Undying love does not translate as an eternity of socks to fold for your average 13 year old!
I wasn't aware of this series -- I just ordered it for my middle school. While the demand for paranormal books is going down at my library, I still can use a few new ones each year.