Since it has taken me five minutes just to get to this page at home, I am declaring a Ms. Yingling Reads vacation. I will be back in full force on January 5th, but am afraid if I try to post during the break from school that I will sustain injuries from banging my head against the keyboard while waiting for things to load.
Also, this might turn into Ms. Yingling Quilts, which is what I have been doing instead of reading. Quilted and bound nine baby quilts yesterday, which left little time for reading.
Apologies to loyal readers, but know that there are BIG things planned for the New Year. See you then!
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Friday, December 19, 2008
The Door of No Return by Sarah Mussi

I wanted to like this, and the first 200 pages were great. Suspense, action, a smart and likeable main character who struggles sucessfully against the odds. Since I've had students from Ghana, I thought it was great to see the cultural heritage discussed. However, when Zac lands at a leper colony in Ghana, the book lost momentum and the next 200 pages didn't appeal to me.
This would be quite interesting for high school, but is too much for the majority of my students. I will look for other works by this author, whose web site seems to be under construction.
Research on Ms. Mussi lead to me this interesting article on young adult lieterature for black teens. I particularly liked this comment: "Barney would like to see books featuring black teens that don't involve a serious crisis, but deal with normal teenage stuff." Indeed.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
One fluffy, one fantasy

Also picked up Alan Sitomer's The Secret Story of Sonia Rodriguez, but it is a high school level book. Uhlig's Boy Minus Girl looked like it would be a good funny book for boys, but... EW!! Just did not need to know that much about boys' habits. Wouldn't be able to hand it to anyone and say "Read this".
Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Savvy, an 8th grader who lives for basketball, tries out for a high school age team and makes it, knowing that she is going to have to work very hard. There's a lot going on in her life-- the family has moved to be with an aunt on her farm because the PGA playing father has been disabled, Savvy's cheerleader sister is struggling with eating disorders, the aunt breaks her leg and Savvy has to pick up the slack on the farm, and there is a romantic interest-- a boy whom Savvy likes but who dates her sister. Wow! On top of that, there is the competition on the basketball court. When anabolic steroids are found in Savvy's gym bag, she is suspended from the team even though she doesn't know how they got there. Won't give away the ending, which was nicely foreshadowed. Even girls who aren't into sports will like this one for the story. Boys like stories about steroids enough that after they read Crackback, Juice, and Gym Candy, they might look at this.

Did not care for Kadohata's Outside Beauty. Four sisters, who all have different fathers, are on a road trip with their mother to visit one of the girl's fathers when their mother is in an accident and they are all sent to their different fathers. Too much introspection and not enough action. Read, Read, Read feels similarly, and Library Thing has four reviews of this.
Sydor's My Mother Is a French Fry and Further Proof of My Fuzzed Up Life had the same flippant, nasty tone for too long. The girls might love it, but I'll pass.
Shannon and Dean Hale, and Nathan Hale's Rapunzel's Revenge was an interesting, graphic novel retelling of the story, but I can't think of an audience for it. The pictures are gorgeous, there's a sort of Wild West twist on Rapunzel, but I can't see my graphic novel boys picking it up, and the girls who do venture into graphic novels tend to like realistic, modern fiction. I'll road test it a bit today. Perhaps this is more of an elementary title.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Bad librarian, bad!
I read two books last night. One was quality literature, the other was paperback fluff. 
So of course I prefered Shannon Greenland's The Specialist: Model Spy. Geeky but gorgeous orphan Kelly (GiGi) James is caught hacking into a government computer system and told that she can either do time in a juvenile detention center or join an elite spy force of other orphan kids with spectacular abilities. Yes, very much like Robert Muchamore's C.H.E.R.U.B. series, but with more eye shadow romance. Her first assignment is to pretend to be a model in order to free her crush's (and fellow spy's) father from the clutches of evil doers. Lots of action, clever writing, and much, much fun. My 9th grader loved it and will be thrilled to know that there are three more volumes (which I immediately put on my book order): Down to the Wire, The Winning Element and Native Tongue. The first book is entirely suitable for middle school, with no language or anything else to which tender readers might object. I've not read the others, but I am taking a chance on them.

Liz Gallagher's book, The Opposite of Invisible, follows Alice, who suddenly recieves the attention of a popular football player. This moves her into a wider social circle and out of "invisibility", but also alienated her from Jewel, her best friend, who likes her as "more than a friend". Not surprisingly, the football player treats her badly, and she starts to miss Jewel. This slim, lyrical volume does cover some high school issues (drinking), but is a tender treatment of the heartbreak of first romances.

The problem was that the first book read, in the words of my daughter, like something that they would HAVE to read for language arts. Quality literature versus well-written but fluffy books that keep kids reading-- you know what my philosophical musings will be for today!
Monday, December 15, 2008
Must Love Black by Kelly McClymer

The cover on this (there is also a tag "Get your Goth on") is very misleading. Yes, Philippa wears all black, but she's not really Goth. While this was a fun, amusing read, it really didn't address the Goth issue, and I wish that it had. Other than The Chronicles of Vladimir Tod or Vampire Kisses, I haven't come across anything with Goth main characters. Perhaps I haven't looked. Anyone seen anything?
Friday, December 12, 2008
Good history/bad history

Not only is this book packed with action and intigue, it sneaks in wonderful moments of personal growth and identity. Mr. Ford studied Classics at Oxford, so the historical details are rich and accurate. A must have series.

The language was still grating (calling her Pandy), and there were multiple descriptions of the girls' togas. Google "toga". It's very clear that this is a loose outer garment worn by ROMAN men. Pandora would wear a tunic, or a chiton. The only women who wore togas were prostitutes. I could almost stomach that, but then Pandora, who is already in the company of Helen and Homer (vastly different eras), meets up with a Chinese woman, a Mayan, and several other vaguely mythological beings. The Greeks did not really know about the Chinese until the time of Alexander the Great. I know that this is just a fun myth-BASED romp, but I really do fear that it will confuse students who read these because they are enjoying learning about mythology, especially when we are trying to get their time-lines straight.
Beedle the Bard

Would have liked this more without the commentary but with more tales.
G. Neri's Chess Rumble

This is a great pick for reluctant readers. The cover will appeal, because inner city settings (like Bluford High) are popular, and the spare text does not look too hard for students struggling with reading. My only reservation is that the size of the book looks a bit like a picture book, and this does make a difference.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Not what students ask for.
Several interesting books, but just not what I need for my library.
Nicholls' Ways to Live Forever was a very effective story of an eleven year old boy dying of leukemia. I cried at the end. However, the book centered more on the boy keeping a journal to try to figure out who he was and to answer imponderable questions. Koss' Side Effects addressed the reality of cancer treatment more clearly, and even that sits on the shelf most of the time.
Scott's Perfect You was realistic and reflects current events--Kate's father quits his job to sell vitamins at a mall, with disastrous effects on the family's budget. Brother is unemployed after college. Mother is stressed. Kate is involved in a less-than-satisfying realtionship. Grandmother nags and spoils. Not a happy read, but not depressing enough to take students' minds off their own lives-- which may be very much like this book.
Julie Halpern's Get Well Soon is based on her own experiences in a mental hospital, but I did not like the characters. Students ask for books like this, but prefer specific problems: McCormick's Cut, Levenkron's The Best Little Girl in the World, Shaw's Black-Eyed Suzie, Neufeld's Lisa Bright and Dark and even Greenberg's 1964 I Never Promised You a Rose Garden all have more compelling characters. (Must have enough on this topic!)
9th grader picked up Rinaldi's The Letter Writer, because she covered Nat Turner's slave rebellion in class, but made the comment "It's not about the rebellion." It centers on the life of a white girl who gets herself tangentially involved with Nat Turner. Interesting depiction of the times, but not what we wanted from the book. One told from Turner's perspective would be better.
Didn't read much of Greene's The Lucky Ones. Famly problems during a summer spent at the beach. Lyrically written, but I no one asks for a story about (subject headings) family life, brothers and sisters, or conduct of life. Am also passing on Conly's Impetuous R., Secret Agent, since no one asks for talking cockroaches saving their jazz nightclub home from financial ruin. This author's continuation of her father's Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH would be a better choice.

You know you'll have to buy it, because you bought the other eight books in this series, but these are becoming completely indistinguishable from one another. The first couple were clever, and it's funny to ask the librarian to say things like Dancing in my Nuddy-Pants, but really, how does Georgia have a life and write in her journal every five minutes? Prefer the Whytock mentioned earlier this month, Cathy Hopkins' Mates Dates series, and anything by Jacqueline Wilson and Cathy Cassidy.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Jack: Secret Histories and The Reminder

Jean Van Leeuwen's Dear Mom, You're Ruining My Life(1989) has some very dated moments. There are some vivid descriptions of Flashdance fashions, and several chapters dedicated to dance lessons (as in fox trot and waltz) in preparation for a dance at the country club. There are enough fun moments, and nice family interaction that I am not going to weed it. Speaking of dated books, I was very sad that someone lost Doris Gate's Blue Willow, about migrant farm workers during the Depression. Can't justify replacing this one, but I did love it.
Warner's The Woodshed Mystery made me realize that this would have been the perfect series for me when I was in first and second grade. They are very simple, but longer than most books for children that age. Would have been hot stuff.
Tuesday, December 09, 2008
Chris Lynch's Cyberia

Yes, this strained credulity at times, but it was enormous fun. There were lots of read-out-loud funny moments (Hugo: He even tastes like a jerk. Evil jerk flavor.), fast-paced action, and an underlying important message-- when do our personal identities become subsumed by machinery? Zane is a reluctant but capable hero, and Hugo is now my second favorite literary pet (the first being Gloria from No Flying in the House.) Add a healthy dose of technology and a perfect length (160 pages), and this is a must-buy for elementary and middle school libraries.

Also sloggged through Warner's Blue Bay Mystery and Mike's Mystery. These are becoming a bit like Scooby-Doo meets Dick and Jane. The language is really stilted, the plots improbable, and yet for struggling readers, these serve a purpose.
Monday, December 08, 2008
Disappointing Books for Young Adults
All day yesterday, a post I read on The LiteraBuss has been going through my brain, thank to Jen Robinson's Friday Visit.
The original post dealt with books that should not be required reading. This has validity. However, I don't think any librarians or teachers are going to remove all Laura Ingalls Wilder from the shelves because of irrelevancy. Much of the discussion I've seen on this topic has to do with personal opinion, and most of the titles could be argued. (The Borrowers? Where the Red Fern Grows? Certainly, students still read these.)
I felt compelled to list young adult books (no fair listing Vanity Fair, the most boring book ever written) that are without question boring and dated, butI found that most of those books are gone from my shelves, and from my memory. Therefore, I will list some books that are disappointing to many students and yet I can't see to take them off my shelves.
Should I? I checked out I Am the Cheese to a student who was bored and asked for a full report.
Babbit, Natalie. The Search for Delicious. Disappointment Factor: Tuck Everlasting was so good.
Byars, Betsy. The Summer of the Swans. DF: Nothing happens. It's not funny.
Cormier, Robert. I am the Cheese. DF: Caused my best friend to never trust her high school librarian.
DeJong, Meindert. The Wheel on the School. DF: Won an award in the '50s. Hmmm.
Duane, Diane. So You Want to be a Wizard. DF: Love the series; first book confusing.
Fox, Paula. Any title. DF: Depressing, dated, ponderous.
Fleming, Ian. Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. DF: The movie had Dick van Dyke and was really good.
Hunt, Irene. Up a Road Slowly. DF: Small town relationships and coming of age story doesn't resonate with students.
Paterson, Katherine. Bridge to Terebithia. DF: No student in the last five years has liked this.
Voigt, Cynthia. The Tillerman Saga. DF: Really long, really depressing. Students get about halfway through Homecoming and give up.
Zindel, Paul. Books not about monsters. DF: Once these were cutting edge. Now they are just a little odd.
The original post dealt with books that should not be required reading. This has validity. However, I don't think any librarians or teachers are going to remove all Laura Ingalls Wilder from the shelves because of irrelevancy. Much of the discussion I've seen on this topic has to do with personal opinion, and most of the titles could be argued. (The Borrowers? Where the Red Fern Grows? Certainly, students still read these.)
I felt compelled to list young adult books (no fair listing Vanity Fair, the most boring book ever written) that are without question boring and dated, butI found that most of those books are gone from my shelves, and from my memory. Therefore, I will list some books that are disappointing to many students and yet I can't see to take them off my shelves.
Should I? I checked out I Am the Cheese to a student who was bored and asked for a full report.
Babbit, Natalie. The Search for Delicious. Disappointment Factor: Tuck Everlasting was so good.
Byars, Betsy. The Summer of the Swans. DF: Nothing happens. It's not funny.
Cormier, Robert. I am the Cheese. DF: Caused my best friend to never trust her high school librarian.
DeJong, Meindert. The Wheel on the School. DF: Won an award in the '50s. Hmmm.
Duane, Diane. So You Want to be a Wizard. DF: Love the series; first book confusing.
Fox, Paula. Any title. DF: Depressing, dated, ponderous.
Fleming, Ian. Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. DF: The movie had Dick van Dyke and was really good.
Hunt, Irene. Up a Road Slowly. DF: Small town relationships and coming of age story doesn't resonate with students.
Paterson, Katherine. Bridge to Terebithia. DF: No student in the last five years has liked this.
Voigt, Cynthia. The Tillerman Saga. DF: Really long, really depressing. Students get about halfway through Homecoming and give up.
Zindel, Paul. Books not about monsters. DF: Once these were cutting edge. Now they are just a little odd.
Banner in the Sky and other titles

Friday, December 05, 2008
Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm

Slightly flawed but perky characters were something new at the time this was published-- we have Canfield's Understood Betsy, and of course, Montgomery's Ann. These stories were considered somewhat less didactic. There are certainly lots of fun moments, and Rebecca is an interesting, head strong girl, but what I came away with from this book was this: Really, a 30-year-old wealthy man meets her when she's ten, follows and aids her career, and then falls in love with her when she graduates from high school? EWWWW! Okay, in the end, he's 34, she's 17, and Wiggins never specifically says that they get married, but many elements point that way. To our modern sensibilities, this is just wrong, but 100 years ago, this was probably the best way for poor, bright girls to better their lot. Wouldn't buy this one new or go to great lengths to preserve old copy.
Thursday, December 04, 2008
Cherry Whytock

Angel lives in Knightsbridge, London, with her thin aristocratic mother, her slighty doddering father, and their housekeeper Flossie. She has three good friends (and a diverse, multi-cultural crowd they are, too), likes fashion, and LOVES food. She struggles with her weight, family and boys. I especially enjoy it when the family goes on vacation to places like an Italian villa. Probably not very realistic, but interestingly different.
If you have a large fan base for the Louise Rennison titles (and I still have to read the latest of those-- Stop in the Name of Pants.), make sure that you order all three of these titles: My Cup Runneth Over, My Scrumptious Scottish Dumplings and My Saucy Stuffed Ravioli.
The British Series, as far as I can tell. Yes, Ronni, they seem to be available at, but the last two are not in the U.S. *Sob!*
Angel: disasters, diets and d-cups
Angel: Haggis Horrors and Heavenly Bodies
Angel: secrets, suspicions and sun-kissed beaches
Angel: loving, loathing and luscious lunches
Angel: deli dramas and dreamy doormen
Wednesday, December 03, 2008
John Wilson

Jim's father dies early on in World War I, his mother succumbs to mental illness, and he enlists in the army at the age of 15. At first, he is full of the thrill of adventure and danger, but as the war continues and he spends years in the trenches, he hopes merely to make it back home to his young wife. Well-researched and told through engaging diary entries and letters, this is especially effective because it does address the fact that young men find war exciting, and then explains why the reality of this is so different.
There are several other titles by this author: Battle Scars and Flags of War (Civil War), Flames of a Tiger and Four Steps to Death (WWII). There are other titles that I don't own (check the Wilson link above), but I will certainly be checking these other titles for purchase. If you have boys who are interested in war books, these are just right.
Tuesday, December 02, 2008
Assorted Mythology Books

Her cousin Zee has moved to the US, and she's glad to have him nearby, since he is the only one who understands the adventure she was on and the threat the Greek gods still pose to the world. When he starts acting strangely, she starts to investigate. Things come to a head when she goes on a history cruise with her parents and ends up having to save the entire ship from being fed to a monstrous sea creature.
Like the first book, what makes this story is Charlotte's attitude and fresh voice. Sure, she's fighting evil that threatens the planet, but first she has to convince her parents to let her out of her room. This was very enjoyable. The Immortal Fire is due out on June 9, 2009.

Geraldine McCaughrean's Heroes series are all very good. She has a way with telling all of the nitty-gritty details about the myths (yes, Hercules murders his wife and children), but doesn't do it in an overly sensational way. Titles include Perseus, Theseus and Odysseus. Must have books for your fans of Riordan's The Lightning Thief.
Books that everyone loved that were
John Green and I don't generally get along, although An Abundance of Katherines is my 7th grader's 6th favorite book. I had high hopes for Paper Towns, since everyone else loved it. My conclusion-- this is more of a high school book, and that's why I was not excited about it.
On the eve of his high school graduation, Quentin (rather geeky, with geeky friends) is approached by Margo, his neighbor for whom he has long pined, who wants him to drive her around town on a mission of revenge. Her boyfriend had a relationship with her best friend, and other friends didn't tell her, so all of them deserve fish in their cars/closets, and some spray paint. After this night, Margo disappears, and leaves clues for Quentin to follow to find her.
I didn't like Margo. She is immature, vindictive, and callous to the feelings of those who care for her. I didn't like Quentin for liking her. Her spree and resultant running away seemed like a poor way to deal with the issues in her life. I am in the minority here. For sparkling reviews, read:
Hip Librarians Book Blog
Fyre Fly Books
Bookshelves of Doom
Reader Rabbit
Felt similarly about Michael Grant's Gone, which was donated by my principal when he realized that post apocalyptic tales are not to his liking. My 9th grader liked this one.
During class, all of the adults in the school disappear. When students leave the school to find out what has happened, they find that not only everyone over the age of 15 is gone, but there is a force field surrounding the area that will let no one out, as well as mutating animals and children who are manifesting strange powers. Students from a local school for troubled children arrive in town and try to rule, creating tension among the town children, who are trying their best to care for the smaller children, keep people fed, and perform other adult tasks. There is a lot of action in this book, and there is sure to be a sequel, but half way through I just no longer cared. Again, in the minority. People who loved it include:
Teen Book Review
Reading Mania
YA New York
From the library shelves, I did polish off Wister's The Virginian, which was on the best seller list for over a year... in 1902. It had some charming stories in it, and I can see why it was popular, but I can't envision students today enjoying it much. Also looked at Rosemary Well's The Man in the Woods (1984), and it is moving to a better home. Badly waterstained, dusty, bad 1980s cover, and hasn't left the shelf in eight years.
On the eve of his high school graduation, Quentin (rather geeky, with geeky friends) is approached by Margo, his neighbor for whom he has long pined, who wants him to drive her around town on a mission of revenge. Her boyfriend had a relationship with her best friend, and other friends didn't tell her, so all of them deserve fish in their cars/closets, and some spray paint. After this night, Margo disappears, and leaves clues for Quentin to follow to find her.
I didn't like Margo. She is immature, vindictive, and callous to the feelings of those who care for her. I didn't like Quentin for liking her. Her spree and resultant running away seemed like a poor way to deal with the issues in her life. I am in the minority here. For sparkling reviews, read:
Hip Librarians Book Blog
Fyre Fly Books
Bookshelves of Doom
Reader Rabbit
Felt similarly about Michael Grant's Gone, which was donated by my principal when he realized that post apocalyptic tales are not to his liking. My 9th grader liked this one.
During class, all of the adults in the school disappear. When students leave the school to find out what has happened, they find that not only everyone over the age of 15 is gone, but there is a force field surrounding the area that will let no one out, as well as mutating animals and children who are manifesting strange powers. Students from a local school for troubled children arrive in town and try to rule, creating tension among the town children, who are trying their best to care for the smaller children, keep people fed, and perform other adult tasks. There is a lot of action in this book, and there is sure to be a sequel, but half way through I just no longer cared. Again, in the minority. People who loved it include:
Teen Book Review
Reading Mania
YA New York
From the library shelves, I did polish off Wister's The Virginian, which was on the best seller list for over a year... in 1902. It had some charming stories in it, and I can see why it was popular, but I can't envision students today enjoying it much. Also looked at Rosemary Well's The Man in the Woods (1984), and it is moving to a better home. Badly waterstained, dusty, bad 1980s cover, and hasn't left the shelf in eight years.
Monday, December 01, 2008
The Silmarillion

This said, I have friends who practically memorized this. If your library is frequented by Tolkien fanatics, you may need a copy of this, although the length of this makes it something that students may want to have for their own. I have been working on this since August, and seriously had trouble staying awake while reading this.
It has come to my attention that there is also The War of the Jewels : the Later Silmarillion, Part II, The Legends of Beleriand. While the very thought of this makes me want to weep openly, it would be a lovely Christmas present for the person who adores The Silmarillion.
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