Monday, June 04, 2012

Nonfiction Monday--Parasites!

Nonfiction Monday was started by Anne Suen and the round up is hosted this week at True Tales and a Cherry on Top. I have to admit to really scrambling to find a new nonfiction book this week!

Marrin, Albert. Little Monsters: The Creatures that Live on Us and in Us.
8 December 2011, Dutton Juvenile

Many of my reluctant readers love to pick up books about snakes, dangerous water creatures, or spiders, so this lively green cover with icky parasites will be checked out frequently. While the lay out of the book was pleasing to me-- larger type, good use of white space, frequent pictures or diagrams-- the fact that the entire interior of the book is in black and white works to its detriment. This is a shame because the writing is quite interesting while never completely grossing me out; not an easy task after I spent a month this winter battling fleas on my beloved Sylvie! I especially enjoyed the history of how people knew about various parasites, some of the scientists involved, and some particularly interesting cases of infestation. Major parasites are covered-- fleas, live, worms, etc. A concluding chapter gives information about avoiding parasites, but if you need more information on ridding your home of fleas, e mail me! This would be an excellent volume to use in conjunction with Scott Westerfeld's Peeps, that wonderful vampire book that works on the premise that vampirism is caused by a parasite that can be passed to humans by cats!

I'm warming up for MotherReader's 48 Hour Book Challenge starting this Friday!!!! If you've never done this and your schedule permits, please consider joining the fun. I will be glad of a little break. Yes, I know it's summer, but the process of launching one student off to college and another to the Philippines is becoming a bit fraught. I bought two lap top computers, which caused severe heart palpitations, and had to spend two days at Kent State listening to multiple presentations about the college experience. My daughter actually met with an academic advisor to do her schedule of classes! I have vague memories of being herded into a huge biology lecture hall and having a newsprint schedule of classes thrust at me. Don't know how productive this summer will be!


  1. Wow! Sounds like things are hopping (but hopefully not Sylvie's fleas anymore) in your household. You definitely deserve some reading time with MotherReader's 48 Hour Book Challenge. Enjoy!

    Thanks for participating in the Nonfiction Monday round-up today.

  2. Oh yes, this would be picked up in a blink of an eye by my daughter! And thanks for link to the Dymaxion House - it looks like a space age yurt!

  3. Anonymous5:09 PM EDT

    Lucky you to be on summer vaca already! Jealous. Sounds like you've got plenty to keep you busy, though. Hope the challenge is a fun break from the frenzy.
