Monday, June 11, 2007

Other Blogs, other stuff

Vast downside of being a librarian who is forced to also be a media specialist-- all the overhead projectors, televisions, and other AV equipment come home today to be cleaned and repaired. Sigh. Did learn, though, that if you have a DVD player that keeps loading and refuses to play, it might be fixed if you open up the DVD slot and blow into it. Got the dust off the laser or something. To keep myself sane, I always line up the overheads so it looks like they are worshipping their Overhead God.
Thanks to the School Library Journal February 2007 edition, I checked out several other b logs and put the ones that followed the same interests as this one in the "links" section. I must say that I am distressed that I missed the 48 Hour Challenge issued by Mother Reader-- I can't do it next weekend because I am taking a Children's Literature Update so I can renew my teaching certificate. Still, I think it will be fun to do.

It's important to read lots of reviews as well as lots of books, and balance what is presented. I read a review in SLJ of E.E. Richardson's The Devil's Footsteps (my review, March 15, 2006). That reviewer didn't think it was so great. Huh. I have three copies here, and they have not hit the shelves all year long. If students like a book that much, there has to be something to recommend it.

I hope to be better at keeping up this blog this summer-- when I am at home, children look over my should whenever I am on the computer, and it gets wearing. Still, I have a lot of good books to read, so we'll see how well I can keep up.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, thanks so much for adding me to your links! :)
