
Sunday, July 17, 2022

Finish Line- #MGReadathon

Calling it quits with 31 titles and... don't know how many hours. Ran into a few snags with taking care of people yesterday. Feel good about my progess, although there are still a few September titles I need to read. There must have been 100 released for that month!

Gertler, Caroline. Where You've Got To Be
September 13th 2022 by Greenwillow Books
E ARC provided by Edelweiss Plus

Nolie and Jessa have been friends forever, but as they plan to go back to 6th grade at their New York City private school, Jessa feels more like a teen and tries to drag Nolie with her by suggesting she change the way she does her hair, stop eating sweets, and start going by Magnolia. Nolie, who is already irritated that her "perfect" older ballet dancing sister Linden always gets own way, isn't having it. Nolie pulls away from Jessa and her new bestie Calliope, befriends Serena, and picks up a bad new habit to get back at everyone. Loved the supportive grandmother and inclusion of Jewish culture. 

Alexander, Kwame. The Door of No Return
September 27th 2022 by Little, Brown Books for Young Readers
E ARC provided by Edelweiss Plus

Powerful historical novel in verse, set in Ghana in the 19th century. Young Kofi goes to a school where the teacher is cruelly insistent they use "the Queen's English" instead of Twi. He has an interest in Ama, a girl he knows who is forced to work at her uncle's house because of her family's poverty, and has big dreams for his future. These are shattered when his older brother accidentally kills another boy in a wrestling match during a festival, and when slave traders invade and capture and torture many in the community. An important and long overdue look at problematic history. 

Haddix, Margaret Peterson. The Secret Letters: Mysteries of Trash and Treasure #1
September 20th 2022 by Katherine Tegen Books
Review to come later

Whew. Getting close to the end of the actual 48 hours, but I think I'm going to continue reading. It's a cool, rainy day, Pongo is very snuggly, and aside from putting together a friend's birthday gift and making a pie, I have time. Hope that everyone's #MGReadathon went well!


  1. My 48 hours are just up, and while I didn't get to read as much as I wanted, I'm pretty pleased to have reached 7 (3 on Friday after work and 4 today). I really enjoyed it, thanks for organising and hope you will organise it again next year. Congratulations on 31 books! Pretty awesome!!

  2. Congratulations! That's an impressive number of books! Thanks for organising, hoping it will be an annual event (I need to come back and beat my unimpressive total count of 7 books!). :)

  3. Thanks for hosting this event! It motivated me to pick up some MG titles that I really enjoyed, and I love seeing what everyone else is reading 'together'.
