
Thursday, June 08, 2017

The Possible

31450942Altebrando, Tara. The Possible
June 6th 2017 by Bloomsbury USA Children
ARC provided by the publisher

Kaylee's gearing up for the end of the school year, dreaming about her crush Bennett dumping his girlfriend and asking her to prom, and hanging out with friends Chiara and Aiden. When a woman shows up at her door asking about her birth mother, Crystal, Kaylee is shocked. She knew she was adopted, but not that her Crystal purportedly had telekinetic powers... or that she was in jail for killing Kaylee's brother. The woman at the door is Liana, who wants to research Crystal for her podcast, The Possible. She wants Kaylee's help. Kaylee is intrigued, since she's occasionally felt like she might have some small telekinetic power, and starts to investigate with Liana. Things become complicated-- who is telling the truth, what is everyone's agenda, and what powers, if any, does Kaylee have. Of course, there is still her real life to deal with, and she has to juggle Bennett and Aiden's affections.
Strengths: This is a great psychologically mystery that is perfect for my more mature readers who like books like Ventresca's Black Flowers, White Lies, Henry's The Girl I Used to Be and Cooney's No Such Person. It had lots of twists and turns, some realistic romance, and a well drawn search for personal identity. Fast paced, as well. Really liked this one.
Weaknesses: Argh! TWO completely pointless f-bombs buried deep in the book (pages 258 and 260). WHY do authors feel a need to do this? Otherwise, this walks the fine line between YA and MG very nicely, but this pushes it over into YA territory.
What I really think: Will have to debate purchasing this one because of language. Most of the check outs in my library are books that I personally recommend to students, and if students get suspended for using language that appears in a book, why would I buy the book with tax payer money?

Ms. Yingling

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