
Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Call for Cybils Judges!

Children's and Young Adult Bloggers' Literary Awards

If you've missed the call for Cybils Judges and would like to be considered, head over to the site now and sign up. I am the head of Middle Grade Fiction, so if you read a lot of this type of book and would like to read a lot more, head over and fill out the application.

An excellent post on the intricacies of being a panelist was put up by the lovely Charlotte over at Charlotte's Library. There were around 150 books that the first round panelists needed to read last year; second round judges get 6-8. While some copies are sent to judges, we need to find most of them on our own.

Like anything worth doing, it's a lot of work, but it's a great opportunity to meet other like minded individuals who love books, get a fantastic overview of the books that were published in the last year, and to think critically about what books are well written AND appeal to young readers!

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