
Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Substitute Creature

Substitute Creature (Tales from Lovecraft Middle School, #4)Gilman, Charles. Substitute Creature (Tales from Lovecraft Middle School #4)
4 September 2013, Quirk Books

Robert is concerned about giving Karina a Valentine, but bigger issues get in the way. He and Glenn get sucked through a gate and end up on the roof of the school building just as a horrible snowstorm is revving up. The snowstorm, which is localized around the school, starts dumping tons of snow, so the building is evacuated. Robert and his mother try to take rich, spoiled Lionel home, but their car is hit by Miss Carcasse, the substitute librarian, and they have to go back to the school after being rescued by the custodian, Mac. Back at the school, they find evil creatures waiting to eat them (think Tribbles with fangs!) and realize that Miss Carcasse is one of Tillinghast's minions. Once again, Robert and Karina need to keep the school safe, especially after they meet Tillinghast himself. The evil genius is impressed with Robert, and offers him something he would really like-- if Robert sacrifices Lionel, Karina could stop being a ghost. This complicates matters, as does Robert's mother getting in on the secret of the school.
Strengths: Have to admit that this series is growing on me. I liked that Robert is growing as a character, and that challenges other than simply fighting monsters are being put in his way. There's still plenty of gross, scary stuff, but the intrigue is growing. The books are holding up better than I thought they would, as well.
Weaknesses: A zombie librarian and this little character development? Shame. Evil librarians should be well and truly EVIL. We  They would never settle for being minions!


  1. First thing I saw was those eyes. Have to admit I jumped a little, defiantly doesn't look like a minion.

  2. Anonymous11:27 PM EDT

    How could I NOT know about the Tales from Lovecraft Middle School series? Hmmm...last night the PTO asked me to make a wish list....
