
Monday, May 06, 2013

Middle Grade Monday-- My Summer of Pink and Green

 It's Marvelous Middle Grade Monday at Ramblings of a Wannabe Scribe and What Are You Reading? day at Teach Mentor Texts. Both sites have lots of links to reviews about books that are great for the 4th through 8th grader. It's also Nonfiction Monday, hosted this week at Booktalking. And if you can do one more Meme (I think I'll just start calling this Meme Monday!), head over to the Middle Grade May check in at Deb Marshall's blog! Whew!

My Summer of Pink & GreenGreenwald, Lisa. My Summer of Pink and Green
7 May 2013, Amulet Books

Lucy is back, and looking forward to spending the summer helping her mother and grandmother open the spa for which Lucy helped get a grant. Her sister Claudia is home from college, but has brought home Bean, her boyfriend, ostensibly to help with the spa. The main investor has brought his daughter, Bevin, from New York, and Anais, the spa consultant, is helping too. This doesn't leave much room for Lucy, and she feels unneeded. It doesn't help that her father may not be able to make it back to the US for his regular visit. Her friends, too, are being difficult. Is Yamir really her boyfriend? Is Sunny mad at her? Lucy tries to have a positive attitude and realize that whining doesn't help, only her own efforts can, but it's hard when so much is going on.
Strengths: I adored My Life in Pink and Green, and Greenwald titles are very popular with my students. Definitely will buy this one.
Weaknesses: Lucy seemed to whine more in this book, but it's a small quibble!

The Hero’s Guide to Storming the Castle Giveaway
All readers of this blog have exclusive access to a special giveaway for THE HERO’S GUIDE TO STORMING THE CASTLE. You will need this SECRET CODE to enter: PRINCE CHARMING. Click here to enter.
WHAT YOU WIN: If you are one of the first three people to enter the giveaway TODAY, you will receive a signed copy of The Hero’s Guide to Storming the Castle. EVERYONE who enters the giveaway from 5/6 to 5/26 is eligible to win a $200 gift card to the bookstore of his or her choice. 

Monday, May 6th - Cari Blogs hosts Prince Liam
Tuesday, May 7th - Ms Yingling Reads hosts The Gray Phantom
Wednesday, May 8th -Bookalicious hosts Rapunzel
Thursday, May 9th - Adventures of Cecelia Bedelia hosts Deeb Rauber
Friday, May 10th - Kid Lit Frenzy hosts Prince Frederic
Saturday, May 11th - The Write Path hosts Cap'n Gabberman
Sunday, May 12th - Flashlight Reader hosts Mister Troll
Monday, May 13th - Mundie Kids hosts Snow White
Tuesday, May 14th - Candace's Book Blog hosts Ella
Wednesday, May 15th - Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers hosts Little Taylor
Thursday, May 16th - Novel Novice hosts Ruffian the Blue
Friday, May 17th - The Hiding Spot hosts Lord Rundark
Saturday, May 18th - Mod Podge Books hosts Lila
Sunday, May 19th - Poisoned Rationality hosts Wrathgar
Monday, May 20th - Buried in Books hosts Vero
Tuesday, May 21st - Small Review hosts Frank
Wednesday, May 22nd - Book Rat hosts Briar Rose
Thursday, May 23rd - Alison's Book Marks hosts Prince Gustav
Friday, May 24th - There's a Book hosts Prince Duncan
Saturday May 25th - Bunbury in the Stacks hosts Madu
Sunday, May 26th - A Foodie Bibliophile in Wanderlust hosts Stanislav Flimsham



  2. My Summer of Pink and Green looks really good - I've seen it on several people's blogs! I couldn't get to the contest page - it just said "page not found.":-( Oh well - I've got to get my hands on one of the Hero's Guides - heard so much about it!

  3. Whee! A giveaway. Sounds like a book that is receiving much deserved love! :)

  4. Have not read the first author's work but have heard good things before. As for the second one mentioned, LOVED book 1 and diving into book 2 as we speak. Fun stuff! ^_^

  5. My Summer of Pink and Green looks like a really cute book. Thanks for the review. I'll look for this one.

  6. I've got Summer of Pink and Green waiting for me. Thanks for the review.

    And, btw, I love your review policy. I need to borrow it for my blog.

  7. I know three sixth graders already who would love Summer of Pink and Green.

  8. Anonymous3:23 PM EDT

    You know...I may have to set up a June reading challenge to get through all the great books I will be reading as I grow my list, lol.

    SO, so true on MEME Monday, lol!

  9. I have to get My Summer of Pink and Green! I think my students will love it. :) Thanks for sharing!
