
Sunday, June 10, 2012

The Finish Line!!!

11-- Cooner, Donna.Skinny.
Rivers, Karen. The Encyclopedia of Me
5—McCormick, Templeman. The Little Woods
6—Green, Tim. Unstoppable
7-- Brodien-Jones, Christine. Scorpions of Zahir.  
8—Doeden, Matt. Can You Survive in the Special Forces?
8:30—Frolicking through ARCs that were not quite what I needed, including Devine’s Tap Out (bad language within first few lines), Colfer’s Land of Stories (Been done a lot, although not badly written), Mingle’s Kissing Shakespeare (time travel back to that time—also done to death), Fama’s Monstrous Beauty (have enough evil mermaid books), Acosta’s Dark Companion (more abusive foster care and paranormal boarding schools; just don’t have the need), Olsen’s Betrayal (too high school), and Burtenshaw’s Wintercraft series, book one and three, which were sent to me probably by the very kind Ben Willis of Headline UK but which I don’t think I can get in the US, which just makes me too sad to continue lest I adore the books and am frustrated.  Whew.
9:00—Moore, Wes. Discovering Wes Moore
10:00—Nash, Scott. The High-Skies Adventures of Blue Jay the Pirate.
10:30—Reviews and clean up

I will put my total at 36 hours and 40 books.  I have already donated $40 to Reading is Fundamental, which you can do online at their secure web site. 

Last year I had 33 hours and 35 books, in 2010 I didn't keep good statistics, in 2009 I read 34 1/2 hours and 30 books. This must just be my fourth year doing this. I was able to get through more books because I am reading more middle grade books and a few graphic novels. The average middle grade book takes me an hour. 

I only have two Netgalley or digital ARCs left, and two paper ones, although I should be getting a YABC box this week. I will finally be able to read the first two Flanagan Brotherband books, as well as Riordan's The Serpent's Shadow. Then, it's off to the library!

Hope everyone has a great challenge experience, and, as always, many, many thanks to Mother Reader for orchestrating this once a year opportunity to binge read and "hang with my peeps"!


  1. Good for you!

    Are you sure you have enough evil mermaid books? Can one ever have enough?

    How was Blue Jay the Pirate?

    I am not reading fast books, so my numbers will be way down, and there are Other Things that must be done, keeping me from reading...but it's still fun!

  2. Congratulations! I am curious now to see how you liked these books, particularly Monument 14, which I read a while ago and still can't decide how I feel about it.

  3. Wow! Congrats!!! Glad to find someone who reads as fast as I do. I average about a book an hour, too, depending on the length. Sounds like you read some great ones!

  4. You always amaze me, Ms. Y! I've been seeing Monstrous Beauty around, and considering it. The only other evil mermaid book I've read has been Lies Beneath. What did you think?

  5. Congratulations! I'm impressed.

    I hate reading a good book in a series that can't be found in the US, so I understand that frustration.

  6. You are a speed reader! Impressive time and title count. Great job.

  7. Wow, impressive totals! Congratulations on finishing the challenge, and thanks for your comments over on my blog.

  8. Wow. I thought I was a pretty fast reader... but that is amazing. Congrats on finishing with such and impressive time and such a huge list of books.

  9. Your speed and endurance never fail to impress me. Great job!

  10. Anonymous11:04 AM EDT

    wow - that's quite the accomplishment!

    i'm curious to hear what you thought of skinny. i picked it up and started reading it just the other day.

  11. Well done! You are a speed reader!

  12. Wow-great to hear what you accomplished. Are your eyes okay? Hope you'll tell about some of the books that you liked.
