
Saturday, June 09, 2012

Almost Lunch Time

Nook problems have subsided-- it just takes forever for some pages to load. Still hard on the eyes; after all, I'm at the age when the eye doctor is IMPRESSED when I can focus. Sigh.

6:45--Fleming, Candace. On the Day I Died.
7:30-- Reedy, Trent. Stealing Air.
8:45--Kimmel, Elizabeth Cody. The Legend of Ghost Dog.
9:45-- Stoudemire, A'Mare. Double Team
10:15--Grinti, Mike. Claws.
11:45--Maruno, Jennifer. Cherry Blossom Winter
12:30-- Review writing, blogging.

This puts me at 22 books and 19 hours of reading. I'm not sure that the breakdown is entirely accurate, but I do know that aside from filling up my tea cup, grabbing some fruit and making pit stops, I haven't stopped reading or writing for more than a minute at a time. Think children may possibly be getting annoyed at focus.


  1. That's a lot of books! I'm impressed at your level of concentration.

  2. Anonymous2:33 PM EDT

    You are amazing!!!

  3. Interested to see what you liked.

  4. Anonymous10:14 PM EDT

    Trent Reedy has a new book out? Is this an ARC?
