
Thursday, May 10, 2012

Excitement in D.C.!

So, I'm in the Dulles Air and Space Annex with 150 8th graders, and there is a woman setting up a book signing across from the gift shop, where I am making sure that students don't try to play with the toys. I look at her display of books and recognize Soar, Elinor from a variety of Nonfiction Monday posts. My sleep deprived brain makes a middle grade connection, and I say to her "Did you also write The Map of Me?" She smiled and says "Why, yes! Yes, I did."

Here's Tami Lewis Brown of From the Mixed-Up Files and yours truly. Ms. Brown was kind enough to sign a copy of Soar, Elinor to Picky Reader, who was dragged over to meet her. (I'm not supposed to talk to P.R. because I am her teacher, not her mother. Geez.)

And Ms. Brown was kind enough to tell my students that she knew who I was.

I love the Kidlitosphere. It's so cool to meet authors in completely random places. A review of Soar, Elinor will be posted when I regain some mental compacity that has been diminished by herding 8th graders in public places and saying repeatedly "To your right! Your other right! Observe American traffic laws!"

1 comment:

  1. Love it! How totally awesome to see a book signing in the middle of chaos.

    Observe American traffic laws! is a new saying for me. I'll try using it.
