
Sunday, June 05, 2011

Finish Line!

My final two books were:

Mullin, Mike. Ashfall.
Perera, Anna. Guantanamo Boy.

This makes for a grand total of:

35 hours, 33 books.

My favorite has got to be Geoff Herbach's Stupid Fast, but it is not really a middle school book. Sigh. Would have to then go with Stewart's Fetching. The Nook worked perfectly fine for reading, although it is hard to write reviews of digital copies, because I never remember character's names, and it's harder to flip through the pages. I'm glad mine doesn't have an LCD screen, because I did a lot of my reading on the porch and the sunlight would have caused problems.

The only thing left in my TBR pile is Apothecary, mainly because the box it came in is emblazoned with Coming October 2011! It was hard to get overly motivated.

Hope everyone had fun reading! I look forward to this every year, but when it is over, there's still laundry to do.


  1. Wow, good for you! I did 35 hours two years ago, but it was too much for me...maybe when my own kids are teenagers I'll try again!

  2. Anonymous4:31 PM EDT

    Wow, you spent SO much time reading - and you got through a big pile too!

    Well done.

  3. I can't believe you got through your TBR pile! You are a wonder! Thanks for playing!

  4. Way to go, Ms. Yingling! Can'tbelieve you got through a whole TBR pile. I finished ONE out of my pile.

  5. Wow! You did an amazing amoutn of reading. That's terrific!

  6. Anonymous1:59 AM EDT

    Impressive amount of books read. I feel like such a slacker now.

  7. Wow, you did really well. I did read The Apothecary and even posted about it, but didn't give anything away. Anyway, congratulations.
