
Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Melissa Kantor Rules!!!

Melissa Kantor had her publicist send me the very first ARC's I ever got, so she has a special place in my heart. If you are near NYC, or are a young lady who writes, take a look at this invitation:

Attention all tween girls in the NYC area! The Amanda Project is the first series that invites tween girls to become a part of the mystery and contribute their own stories and ideas! Come celebrate the publication of the first in the 8-book series - Invisible I - and launch of The Amanda Project!Hear author Melissa Kantor read from the book and talk about writing collaborative fiction.AND, in the spirit of Amanda, we're also taking submissions from tween girls who aspire to be writers! Have your daughter send her latest piece of fiction (up to 500 words) to and we'll pick a select group of writers to read at the event!For more

9-30-09: Please note the change in e mail address for submissions.

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