
Monday, April 09, 2007

More Tamora Pierce

Loved Alanna. Have several girls reading through this great series about a girl who wants to be a knight rather than go to a convent at all times.

The Circle of Magic series was somehow painful for me, which was a huge disappointment. Helps to know that one should read The Circle of Magic (Sandry's Book, Tris, Daja, Briar) and then The Circle Opens (Magic Steps, Street Magic, Cold Fire, one other I can't remember). There was somehow too much going on, too many characters to follow, and it somehoq diluted my interest in each one.

It was with great dread, then, that I picked up First Test, the first book in the Protector of the Small series, and with great glee that I put it down to pick up Page. Bother were excellent. Kel, a young girl from an interesting family, wants to become a knight ten years after Alanna. This time, the other students know she is a girl and give her a hard time. She triumphs, of course, in many ways. I must bring home the other two books tonight.

Seem to have missed something in between, with the Immortals series. All the books are checked out, and I am disappointed!

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